NIE number
The NIE number, a Spanish identification number for foreigners, both foreigners from the European union as foreigners from outside of the European union. This number is compulsory for all home-owners, you will also need it to buy for example a car or a boat in Spain.NIE = Número de Identidad de Extranjero This NIE number is a fiscal identification number, the tax office knows you with this number. After receiving the NIE document it is very important to register at the local tax office, this way you will be able to pay the purchase taxes and other taxes on time. In all communications with for example the town-hall, the tax office, the SUMA, etc. we will use your NIE number. The NIE starts with an X or with Y has 7 numbers and ends with a letter. The NIE number you will have to apply for in person or represented by your solicitor with a power of attorney suitable for applying for Spanish documents. Applying for the NIE number you do in the local police station or foreigners office of the Policia Nacional.
Are you a foreigner from the European union or outside the European union and buying property in Spain? Then you will need a NIE number, getting a NIE number is not always easy if you don´t speak good Spanish or even possible due to your visit to Spain not matching the schedules of the police station. We are well know with with all rules and regulations and can assist you with applying for the NIE number, please contact us for more information and prices of the various services.
Related subjects that may be of your interest:

Premium legal care Service
Legal representation, fiscal advise and assistance from your lawyer, a must for all home owners.

Notary in Spain
The NIE number, compulsory to sign the title deeds for the sale or purchase of your property at the notary in Spain

Land Registry office
The title deeds of the purchased property will be registered at the national Land Registry

Selling your property
Plans to sell your Spanish property, time to make an appointment with our solicitor